Saturday, March 28, 2009

Who I Am

Hey there wonderful people,

You might know me as Annie Blackberry the jewellery designer but I wanted to start writing this so that you know who Annie Blackberry is, what I face, what I do, what I love and don't love.

I'm 28, married, live in Tauranga New Zealand and despite dealing with depression and a chronic illness I do love life x I'm actually a high school languages teacher and tutor but at the moment I'm loving the creativity of making beautiful and quirky things - it gives the academic side of my brain a rest :)

You'll learn a little but about me each blog :) I'd love to read about you so send me your blog links.

My fact for today: I have a beautiful but naughty and nippy 4 month old Chihuahua called Gracie who is currently sitting on my feet and scratching them :)

My Quote for Today is: Jesus Christ is Lunatic, Liar or the Lord he claims to be. (C.S. Lewis)

Love Annie xx

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