Friday, April 3, 2009

The Hard Questions

I'm finally starting to see people have compassion for people outside of their own world. I mean it's so easy (and comletely understandable) to have enough on your own plate to deal with, let alone look out for the nameless, faceless people out there. But I believe if we have something, and they have nothing, then I think it's an awesome thing to help.

We hear these catchwords like 'Sweatshop labour' 'Fairtrade' 'Civil war' 'dicatorship' war but how often do we actually go 'I am wearing shoes that someone got paid 5 cents a pair to make' or look up the photos of babies that have died and families that have been torn apart by civil unrest. Do we understand what is happening to the earth and the significance of, for example, the polar ice caps melting?

Did you know that in approximately 40 countries it is still legal for a woman to be stoned to death for adutery? We might feel helpless and useless in the face of that sad fact but the truth is that you're not. Can you pikc up a pen? Then if so become a Freedom Writer for Amnesty International. The government of a lady awaiting her stoning on death row released her because of the volume of postcards they received from AI writers.

Annie Blackberry makes jewellery for AI and all profit from my vintage celluloid kissing dove pendants goes to them.

Millions of children are malnourished - you feel bad - why not get together with 6 other girls and play $5 a month to sponsor a child through World Vision or Tear Fund?

I think the problem is that we have romantic and altruistic notions of helping people on need but if we can't directly see the fruits of our sacrifice we give up. But hang on, is this about helping them or about you feeling noble? I'm definitely guilty of this! I want a great big Thank You card from anyone I've ever helped!! But remember that someone somewhere will be having a decent shot at life because YOU cared enough to go beyond the noble thoughts and take action.

Love to you all - I know you all have generous hearts.

Annie xxx

PS To read about the people who are asking the hard questions and are thinking beyond themselves got to

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


A good friend of my best friends' died yesterday morning. He deserves a mention I reckon. He was the funniest, most loyal and down-to-earth guy. He loves his kids and would do anything for anybody. My friend used to have great philosophical chats with him and he would always listen. When they worked together he would bring in a cuppa, pull up a chair and keep her company.

Now the world has lost Marcus and even though I see him with the Lord, I feel devastated for those left behind. Especially his kids and his best mates and family. Please say a prayer for everyone left. And thank God for the wonderful and precious son he was to jesus and to so many.

Lives are worth honouring, every life is worth honouring. May we honour those who still live, but in another realm we haven't yet reached.

God bless everyone dear to him.

I send out a prayer tonight Lord for those who are lost, those who are in emotional pain, those who need to know your love and the compassion of a human being, for those who are abused, dejected and rejected. For those lying in a gutter, for those living seemingly amazing lives but who are killing their pain and them themselves with drugs and every bad thing. I think of them tonight and I pray for them tonight.

Be with my beautiful friends as they grieve the loss of a truly beautiful man.

Love me too God.